Plot to Pot

Our kitchen garden project, Plot to Pot gives our students access to hands-on learning, encourages healthy eating habits, assists in personal confidence and cultivates a new understanding of our natural world.
Our children experience the enjoyment of sharing and eating food they have prepared themselves. Our students are becoming practised at working safely, responsibly and confidently as they learn new techniques in cooking.
They develop an appreciation for fresh, locally grown produce and learn of a variety of ways to prepare different things.
Many of the foods they learn to prepare align with cultural celebrations, or with learning in other curriculum areas. They also learn how to pepare foods that are in season.
We have an amazing farm area which the students tend to regulary. It includes a variety of vegetable garden beds, fruit trees and an eco straw bale seating eating area. We are also fortunate to have recently constructed a large netted orchard which has been planted out with a variety of fruit trees. We have compost and worm farms and also chickens.
Parents, grandparents etc are always welcome to asssist either in the kitchen or with the gardening.
In our Plot to Pot sessions, we all get to learn about growing our own food, taste new flavours and old favourites but most of all, we have fun together!